Implant consultation
During your consultation appointment, one of our doctors will review your medical history and current health conditions to determine if you are a good candidate for dental implants. If you are, a thorough exam of your hard/soft oral tissues and X-rays will be performed to plan your treatment. Treatment plan options will be discussed, so be sure to have all your questions answered.
At Excel Dental Implant Center, we have experienced implant surgeons who will be performing the surgeries. Our surgeons perform over 100 implant surgeries each on a monthly basis.
Preparing for surgery
Sleep early the night before surgery, because nothing prepares you physically better than a full night of rest. If you are taking blood thinner medications, i.e. aspirin or coumadin, consult with your physician and make sure you are able to stop taking them at least 3 days before and after the surgery. This will reduce excessive bleeding during and after surgery, and help your gum to heal.
Surgery Day
Try to arrive early to your appointment so you have ample time to settle down. Irregular vital signs like high blood pressure will force us to postpone your surgery unnecessarily. If you take medication for high blood pressure, make sure to take it as your doctor prescribed, the morning of your appointment. If you have had any joint replacement within the last two years or certain heart conditions, check with your physician as you may need to pre-medicate with antibiotics before the procedure.
Implant surgery is a minor surgery. For our doctors, the average time it takes for the actual implant placement is about 10-15 minutes. The rest of your aloted appointment time is used to get you ready for that moment (i.e., review medical history, take x-rays, blood pressure and prepare surgical site). Local Anesthesia is more than enough to keep you comfortable the entire time. Unless you elect to have IV sedation, you do not have to fast. In fact, a good balanced meal prior to the surgery is highly recommended.
After you are well anesthetized, a tiny opening on your gum is made. Your jaw bone will then be prepared to accept the dental implant. An implant itself once placed acts as a bandage to the opening bone and gum, leading to minimal bleeding and faster healing time. You should not feel any discomfort or pain during the entire procedure except for some vibrating sensations emitted from our surgical instruments.